About me
Hi, it's me! Hannes. Actor.
Honest. Authentic. Versatile. Like life.
Determined, appreciative, seasoned with a good dose of humor, mixed with a lot of positive energy and refined with optimism. Reinforced by trust, focus and responsibility.
I studied acting in Vienna and Berlin. Every role, every character is unique and just as authentic as I am I also approach my roles. Uncompromising. To act truthful. Because only when you are truthful, you can really touch other people at their core.
My childhood and youth were characterized by the early death of my mother and some hard blows of fate. Despite everything, I had the opportunity to grow up in a good family environment and have people at my side who promoted my strengths. Due to these diverse, deep-rooted life experiences, I emotionally carry a very wide and intensive range of facets that I can and want to express authentically in my roles as an actor. Through this wealth of experience, both professionally and private, I am highly capable of learning and adapting and also take on with enthusiasm the most difficult challenges.
On my path I was able to work with impressive personalities, great actors and great directors and teachers. These include people such as Chris Pine, Til Schweiger, Samuel Finzi, Dagmar Manzel, Milan Peschel, Karl Markovics, Lorris Blazejewski, Lisa Fertner, Bastian Baltes, Simon Awiszio, Marcel Gewehr, Adrian Goiginger, Florian Kannengießer, Christopher Zahlten, Marc Bollmeyer, S.Shridhar, Ingo Rasper or Arman and Arash T.Riahi.
There is no plan B for me. I see my work as part of something big, something unique. Project by project. Roll for roll. From human to human.
Whoever you are, who knows, maybe we can walk a part of our path together, get to know each other personally, learn from each other and create something great. I would be really happy.
Roads were made for journeys not destinations.